Hello, Wonderful Ones! I’m a kitchen witch who loves to share my passion for cooking, baking, and crafting with natural ingredients. Today, I want to show you how to make your home smell magical with simmer pots.

Simmer pots are one of the easiest and most effective ways to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home. They are also a great way to infuse your space with positive energy and intention. Simmer pots are simply pots of water with various ingredients that you simmer on your stove, releasing their wonderful aromas into the air. You can use different combinations of fruits, herbs, spices, and flowers to create different scents for different seasons or occasions.

In this post, I will share with you some of my favorite simmer pot recipes that I use to make my home smell divine. These recipes are all natural, eco-friendly, and budget-friendly. They are also very easy to make and customize to your liking. All you need is a pot, some water, and some ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen or garden.

Here are some of the simmer pot recipes that I love to use:

  • Cozy Home Simmer Pot: This is perfect for the cold winter days when you want to feel warm and cozy. Combine 3/4 cup of fresh cranberries, 1/2 an orange or clementine cut into quarters, 2 cinnamon sticks, and 2-3 sprigs of rosemary or snipped pine tree pieces in a pot of water and simmer. This simmer pot will fill your home with a festive and comforting scent that reminds you of the holidays.
  • Lemon and Rosemary Simmer Pot: This is ideal for the spring and summer months when you want to feel refreshed and energized. Combine a sliced lemon, a few sprigs of rosemary, and a teaspoon of vanilla extract in a pot of water and simmer. This simmer pot will fill your home with a fresh and uplifting scent that clears your mind and boosts your mood.
  • Apple Pie Simmer Pot: This is wonderful for the fall season when you want to feel cozy and nostalgic. Combine a sliced apple, 2 cinnamon sticks, a teaspoon of nutmeg, and a teaspoon of vanilla extract in a pot of water and simmer. This simmer pot will fill your home with a sweet and spicy scent that makes you feel cozy and happy.
  • Citrus and Spice Simmer Pot: This is great for any time of the year when you want to feel invigorated and inspired. Combine peels from an orange, a lemon, and a lime, 2 cinnamon sticks, 2 star anise pods, and a few cloves in a pot of water and simmer. This simmer pot will fill your home with a zesty and exotic scent that stimulates your senses and creativity.
  • Lavender and Mint Simmer Pot: This is perfect for any time of the year when you want to feel relaxed and calm. Combine a handful of fresh or dried lavender flowers, a handful of fresh mint leaves, and a few drops of lavender essential oil in a pot of water and simmer. This simmer pot will fill your home with a soothing and calming scent that helps you unwind and sleep better.

I hope you enjoyed these simmer pot recipes and that you will try them out in your own home. Simmer pots are not only a great way to make your home smell amazing, but also a great way to practice kitchen witchery. By choosing the ingredients that resonate with you and your intentions, you can infuse your home with magical energy and attract what you desire.

Simmer pots are also a wonderful way to celebrate the changing seasons and honor the pagan calendar. You can use different ingredients that correspond to the different sabbats or festivals throughout the year. For example, you can use apples and cinnamon for Mabon (the autumn equinox), cranberries and pine for Yule (the winter solstice), lemons and rosemary for Ostara (the spring equinox), or lavender and mint for Litha (the summer solstice).

Until next time,

Elizabeth, your Willow Root kitchen witch